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Published: 2023-09-22

Krishnamoorthy Selvaraj Senior Solution Architect, Keller TX 76248, USA
Dr. Srinivasan Lakshmanan, Sr. Solution Architect, Delta System & Software Inc. Texas, USA

Journal of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning

ISSN 2995-2336

The Machine learning for predictive maintenance in supply chain management


  • Krishnamoorthy Selvaraj Krishnamoorthy Selvaraj Senior Solution Architect, Keller TX 76248, USA
  • Lakshmanan Lakshmanan Dr. Srinivasan Lakshmanan, Sr. Solution Architect, Delta System & Software Inc. Texas, USA


Predictive Maintenance, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Supply Chain Management.


It has recently come to light that one of the most important applications of machine learning in a variety of sectors, including supply chain management, is predictive maintenance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the use of machine learning strategies for predictive maintenance within the framework of supply chain management. Traditional procedures of maintenance often cause inefficiencies and interruptions in the supply chain as a result of unanticipated breakdowns of various pieces of equipment. It is possible to greatly improve both the reliability and performance of supply chain operations via the use of predictive maintenance approaches. This article starts out by giving an overview of predictive maintenance and the role that it plays in supply chain management. The issues that are presented by unanticipated equipment failures and the cascade consequences that these failures have on the supply chain are discussed. In the context of predictive maintenance, a number of different techniques to machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and deep learning, are analyzed and discussed. In addition to this, the study digs into data-gathering strategies, discussing topics such as sensor data, past maintenance records, and external influences that might influence the health of equipment. In addition, the article discusses the implementation issues that are associated with installing predictive maintenance systems in supply chain environments. Some of these challenges include data quality and integration, real-time decision-making, cost concerns, and others. This paper investigates the role that edge computing and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) devices play in making data gathering, analysis, and preventative maintenance more efficient.


The word "supply chain" refers to the network of facilities that includes not only the merchants, distributors, transporters, and manufacturers of theitems, but also the people who end up utilizing the product. These individuals are all included in the supply chain. since of this, it is very important to have a solid understanding of the actual consumption levels and expectations of the consumers. Customers are the essential node of any supply chain since they urge numerous businesses to make and distribute things in response to the demand that they create.[1] Facilities at every level of the supply chain are becoming increasingly aware of the need to cooperate with one another and coordinate their efforts in order to meet the actual demand. This isbecause cooperation and coordination are necessary in orderto meet the real demand. In addition to this, the entities collaborate with one another in order to lower the overall expenses that are involved with the supply chain. This is accomplished via working together. On the other hand, in the absence of such partnerships, there is a mismatch between the actual reality of supply chain networks and the ideal world of supply chain networks. This is because the ideal world of supply chain networks is more efficient than the actual reality of supply chain networks. This is due to the fact that supply chain networks in an ideal world are more effective at using resources than supply chain networks in actual reality. The gap may be linked to a variety of distinct factors, some of which are known while others continue to be a mystery. Some of the causes are likely responsible, while others are not. Some of the factors that contribute to the existence of such gaps include the alignment of business interests, the management of long-term relationships, a refusal to share information, the complexity of large-scale supply chain management, the competence of personnel supporting supply chain management, performance management, and incentive systems to support supply chain management. [2]

Object ive:

The research aimed to fulfill the following objectives:

  • Predictive maintenance has shown to be successful in a number of supply chain applications.
  • An Explanation of Predictive Maintenance in the Context of Supply Chain Management
  • Result and discussion


The presentation highlights the effective uses of machine learning in predictive maintenance within supply chain management using case studies and real-world examples. These examples illustrate how predictive maintenance may result in increased uptime for equipment, decreased costs associated with maintenance, optimal management of spare parts inventories, and higher overall supply chain resilience. In the final section of the paper, a discussion of future directions and potential advancements in the field is presented. These include the combination of predictive maintenance with other supply chain optimization strategies, the development of hybrid models that combine multiple machine learning techniques, and the incorporation of explainable artificial intelligence to improve the interpretability of predictive maintenance recommendations. In conclusion, the purpose of this paper was to highlight the significance of predictive maintenance in revolutionizing supply chain management. Predictive maintenance can revolutionize supply chain management by minimizing disruptions, minimizing downtime, and ultimately contributing to an ecosystem that is more efficient and reliable through the application of machine learning techniques.

An Explanation of Predictive Maintenance in The Context Of Supply Chain Management

Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach to maintenance management that makes use of data analysis and machine learning technologies to estimate when a piece of machinery or equipment is likely to break down or when it will need to be repaired. There is another name for predictive maintenance, and that is condition-based maintenance. This method is particularly helpful in the context of supply chain management, where unforeseen equipment failures may have a cascading effect on production schedules, delivery timelines, and overall operational efficiency.

In the management of supply chains, maintenance methods have often been placed into one of two categories: reactive or preventive. The approach to equipment upkeep known as reactive maintenance involves addressing issues as they crop up. The effects of this form of maintenance include often unanticipated downtime, increased repair costs, and disruptions in the supply chain. On the other hand, preventive maintenance comprises carrying out established operations for equipment upkeep at preset periods, regardless of the condition that the equipment is currently in. If this is done in an insufficiently infrequent manner, it may result in unplanned failures and high maintenance expenses, while if it is done in an excessively frequent manner, it may result in operational disruptions.

During the process of predictive maintenance, a new technique is used. By analyzing past data, sensor readings, and other relevant elements, machine learning algorithms are able to recognize trends and symptoms of equipment degradation and failure. Afterward, based on the information that is gathered from the device in real time, these models provide forecasts on the state of health of the equipment and the likelihood of future failures. Because of this, maintenance teams are able to intervene and perform maintenance operations only when they are really necessary. As a result, the optimal balance may be achieved between the costs of maintenance and the length of time that equipment is accessible for use.[3]

In the context of the management of supply chains, predictive maintenance provides numerous major advantages, including the following:

  • Anticipating and avoiding the breakdown of equipment helps keep unexpected downtime to a minimum, which in turn ensures a more regular flow of business activities across the supply chain.
  • The necessity for expensive emergency repairs may be avoided and the amount of unneeded preventative maintenance chores can be reduced with proactive maintenance. This results in cost savings.
  • If maintenance staff focus their efforts on the components of equipment that really need their care, they will be able to make better use of the resources that are available to them.
  • Enhanced Capability of the Supply Chain to Withstand Uncertainty The supply chain will be more resilient and better equipped to cope with unexpected events or fluctuations in customer demand if interruptions can be prevented.
  • Increased Duration of Service Life for Equipment It may be possible to extend the lifetime of machinery and equipment by doing maintenance on a routine and timely basis, provided that such actions are guided by predictive insights.
  • Decision-Making That Is Informed by Data Predictive maintenance provides invaluable insights into the state of equipment, consumption patterns, and possible areas for process improvement.[4]

In order for businesses to effectively employ predictive maintenance for supply chain management, they must first collect relevant data from the equipment sensors and historical records. Only then can they hope to achieve success with this strategy. After this, the data is preprocessed, and then machine learning models are taught to uncover the connections between data patterns and flaws in equipment. Ultimately, this helps save costly repairs. These models, after they have been trained, may be used to produce predictions that are based on real-time data while simultaneously monitoring that data.

In its most fundamental form, predictive maintenance is a process that transforms conventional maintenance processes from being reactive and time-based into being data-driven and proactive. This, in turn, ultimately results in supply chain operations that are more efficient, reliable, and robust.[6]

Predictive Maintenance Has Shown To Be Successful In A Number Of Supply Chain Applications

It has been shown that the implementation of predictive maintenance in a range of business sectors and supply chains has the potential to successfully increase the reliability of equipment, reduce the amount of downtime that occurs, and optimize the efficiency of maintenance operations. In supply chains, some examples of successful applications of predictive maintenance include the following:[5]

The Industrial and Manufacturing Sector:

Manufacturing Automobiles Automobile manufacturers employ a technique called predictive maintenance to keep an eye on the assembly line robots and other pieces of machinery. They save money by avoiding disruptions to manufacturing lines caused by early detection of irregularities.

Aerospace Industry: For the purpose of monitoring aircraft components and engines, airlines and aircraft manufacturers use a technique called predictivemaintenance. This helps to avoid problems while the aircraft is in flight and guarantees that flights are both safe and on schedule.

The Provision of Power and Utilities:

Utility firms do predictive maintenance on turbines, generators, and transformers as part of their power generation operations. Maintenance performed at the appropriate intervals helps to minimize unplanned outages and improves the efficiency of power plants.

Equipment at oil refineries, such as pumps, compressors, and pipelines, may be monitored using predictive maintenance, which is employed in the oil and gas industry. This contributes to the prevention of leaks, the reduction of downtime, and the guarantee of worker safety.

Transport and Logistical Considerations:

Fleet Management: Logistics businesses employ predictive maintenance to monitor the health of their vehicles, therefore minimizing the number of failures and enhancing the dependability of their deliveries.

Tracks, signals, and other train components are all monitored by train operators using a technique known as predictive maintenance. This reduces the likelihood of service delays and increases the likelihood that passengers will be safe.

The Construction Industry and Mining:

Heavy equipment: Predictive maintenance is used by mining businesses and building sites to keep track of the status of their heavy equipment, such as excavators and haul trucks. This increases the amount of time that equipment remains operational while lowering the price of its upkeep.

Medical care:

Medical Equipment Hospitals use a method called predictive maintenance to keep track of essential pieces of medical technology like MRI scanners and ventilators. This guarantees that the equipment used to save lives is constantly in working order.

Commerce in stores and online:

Distribution Centers: E-commerce businesses utilize a method called predictive maintenance to keep track of the conveyor belts and automated sorting systems in their facilities. This ensures that the order processing and delivery times are not delayed.[6]

The field of telecommunications:

The use of predictive maintenance by telecommunications operators to monitor cell towers and network equipment is an important part of network infrastructure. This reduces the likelihood of network failures and interruptions to service.

A Look at the Food and Drink Industry:

Equipment for Processing Many businesses that handle food employ a method called predictive maintenance to keep an eye on the machinery that are utilized in the manufacturing and packaging processes. Because of this, product quality is maintained, and production downtime is reduced.

The pharmaceutical industry:

The Manufacturing Tools and Equipment Companies in the pharmaceutical industry often use a technique known as predictive maintenance in order to maintain tabs on the equipment that is used in the process of manufacturing pharmaceuticals. This ensures that severe regulatory standards are met to the letter and provides peace of mind.

These examples illustrate how predictive maintenance may be successfully implemented in a broad number of business sectors and supply networks, demonstrating its adaptability and success. If a company makes use of data-driven insights to anticipate the needs of maintenance, they will be able to increase the efficiency of their operations, reduce their expenditures, and offer their customers with products and services that are more reliable.[7]

Result and Discussion

When it comes to operational efficiency, cost savings, and overall supply chain resiliency, the application of machine learning in supply chain management for predictive maintenance offers significant results. These benefits are produced via the use of predictive maintenance. These findings may be classified into three distinct groups. By drawing on historical data and carrying out monitoring in real time, predictive maintenance models may potentially determine when certain pieces of equipment will stop functioning efficiently. This clears the way for immediate repairs to be made. The following consequences are often seen as a direct result of this, which may be viewed as follows:

Reduced Amounts of Downtime The use of predictive maintenance strategies leads to a perceptible reduction in the quantity of unscheduled downtime that is brought on by the malfunction of individual pieces of machinery. This instantly results in improved production schedules, increased levels of customer satisfaction, and deliveries that are made on time.

The use of predictive maintenance helps to enhance maintenance operations, which in turn minimizes the number of urgent repairs that are necessary and removes the need for superfluous scheduled maintenance, resulting in cost savings. Predictive maintenance may be thought of as a combination of preventative maintenance and predictive analytics. This results in a reduction in the costs associated with maintenance as well as an improvement in the allocation of resources.[8]

Maintenance teams have the ability to plan interventions exactly when the health indicators of the equipment signal that they are necessary thanks to optimized maintenance scheduling. Because of this, there is a greater efficiency in the usage of both labor and resources.

Increased Lifespan of Machinery and Equipment Taking preventative measures to address possible problems before they become more serious helps to increase the longevity of machinery and equipment. Because of this, the total amount spent on capital expenditures will be reduced, and the return on investment will improve.

Inventory Optimization: Using predictive maintenance to help successfully manage spare parts inventory is a key component of inventory optimization. Organizations are able to store the appropriate components in the appropriate amounts, so decreasing the expenses associated with excess inventory while simultaneously assuring availability when it is required.

Increased Supply Chain Resilience Predictive maintenance helps to increase the supply chain's resilience by reducing the number of interruptions that are caused by the failure of individual pieces of equipment. This is of utmost importance in order to keep operations running smoothly in the face of unanticipated occurrences or variations in demand.[9]

C onclusion

The rising internationalization of trade and the march of time are both contributing factors that are making the level of competition and rivalry that exists between firms more intense. Businesses are battling with one another for market share and revenue output while the rate of technical advancement quickens at an exponentially increasing rate. It is quite evident that robots have carved out a niche for themselves in a wide range of businesses, where they are employed to carry out tedious tasks. Automation is now being applied across all different kinds of company sectors as a means of supplementing human work with that performed by machines. In spite of this, artificial intelligence will advance to a higher level of sophistication than it currently possesses, and this turn of events will intensify the collaboration of humans and AI to an even greater height, where it could translate to something that is groundbreaking not only in supply chain but also in other significant sectors as well. Artificial intelligence will advance to a higher level of sophistication than it currently possesses.

aThe reaction was conducted in anoxic conditions.

bThis is the format for table footnotes.


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How to Cite

Selvaraj, K. ., & Lakshmanan, D. S. . (2023). The Machine learning for predictive maintenance in supply chain management. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 1(1), 9-15.